Hotel SEO

Hotel SEO – Search Engine Optimization for Hotels

We offer you perfect search engine optimization for your hotel website. We want to you help being one of the top travel spots on the web! Get a quote now!

Is Your Hotel Website in the Right Place for You to Market It Online?

When creating your hotel website, make sure that you pick the perfect location for you to market it online. If you are not a fool. You probably understand that you need a hotel website that can bring you customers. What if you were not able to find those customers through the same search engines that you use today. Would you use a special search engine extra for booking a hotel? No?! You are not stupid. But you do not want to do this and sometimes a hotel website that is optimized for SEO will never get you booked in the first place.

There is another important thing to draw attention: page speed and fast mobile page layouts. You do not want to call yourself a top hotel, one where all the other hotels look bad, if your website is slow and your visitors will see ads and you will become harder to get. For those who want to invest in marketing, should always start at their one homepage. Make it look like the front page of your website.

Which is the best hotel website to use to market it online?

Today, everyone can use a website to market their hotel with no issue, but the conversion does matter: who many visitors actually book their trips on your website? The majority of the hotels that we have built websites for will start on page 2 or 3.

These pages are usually created for the users who need the information first, which means that they will also find others.
The information for the free place-bookings pages are for the second stage of a visitor when they are researching the property.

These pages are very important because of their length and depth. One of the most important things is saving expensive fews of the big players – so guests should book with your cloud hotel software.
So, if you look at this page, you see that the picture looks nice. Is it really? We have added CSS to show you what the view would look like with great functionality, but the visitor sees a bit of this, a bit of that, and never the whole of it.

Remember the image? I’ll give you one moment to think about it, so you can see how the visitors who click on your hotel website today will never be able to see it! To display a full view with color and a good layout for free, you will have to buy the hotel website builder (web host), but we know that one of the most popular web builders with a high conversion rate is Go Daddy and if you are looking for a good deal, Go Daddy is for you.

So, the guests will never see the full size picture in your hotel website, even though this is the most important thing to attract the visitors.

This is not the most important thing for the hotel website, but I just wanted to give you the example of what guests will see when you are marketing your hotel. Let’s see another example from the Lonely Planet website:

We do not say that we want the same content in the front page of your hotel website, but you get the point. You can always call Goliath. com or ISentium for your web host, or you can go with Go Daddy.

Of course, you can put some notes at the top and you can add the most important information. But for the people who are looking for a last minute deal and to get in touch with you, it will be easy to use your hotel website.

It is not about the hotel website and what the visitors see, it is about the other two stages of the visitor. So one of the must haves are caching your website and deliver as fast as possible. And always keep your analytics tools going to track all the visitors and understand their habits.

Just compare the Amazon SES website and the one from Priceline. For example, visitors are buying hotel rooms right now for $125 on this page and for $210 on this one, with both giving you 20% cash back, which is quite a price difference.

The image you see there shows you what the current user is SEO. Search engine optimisation is quite a word, so in short: everyone who lands on this page is SEO (search engine optimisation)

This is exactly what we can show you in the above screenshot, which shows the data of someone that lands on your hotel website. What is the most important information for this guest? They book their hotel with your hotel, and also they book their wedding with your hotel!

So, if you are really have international guests. At the end of the day, the goal is not only to be nice to your guests but also to get some money from them. If you really have international customers, you will want to be the one to show them the most beautiful, impressive hotel website.

If you get as little money as possible, you will want to give your guests the best chance to book your hotel. And this is what you can see in the two sides of the medial. More visitors more guests and where do they come from.

Now you should be able to understand which is the most important step of the hotel website: the guest experience.

The different stages of your hotel website.

The starting step for any hotel website is to have a strong content plan and a solid content marketing strategy. This step is just the beginning of a long process, that has to be followed by a lot of work and commitment.

I will try to help you as best as I can: Bringing your page to the top of the internet. But before we start, I have a few recommendations:

We have a discussion platform in this blog that you can use to ask questions, because all the answers are completely free. You have to register and sign up.

You can now download our ebook on hotel website design, including a step by step process to get your hotel webpage up and running.

We also have a bigger step by step process to get an effort in using Wordpress and Bricks Builder as modern and ultra light page builder.

You can also register for our free Smartphone program, which helps you to use WhatsApp, Telegram, Viber and whatever other messaging apps you may want.

If you don’t have a smartphone and want to learn more about your smartphone and understand how it can work for you, you should register for our smartphone program.

You can now check out the hotels WordPress plug-in.

Last but not least, it gets more detailed. SEO, page speed, perfect text, great responsive layout. Are all important, but we are now ready to tackle some of these important steps to get your hotel website out there and starting the guest experience.

First, we have to understand the three levels of the visitors to your hotel homepage. As you can see below in the screenshot, the visitor starts with an impression level. At the bottom of the graph you can see what this impression level looks like, the average impression level is shown in the graph at the top of the image.

There are different steps. The first one is called the assumption level, the second one is the creative level. And the last one is the evaluation level. You can see the different levels of our hotel website in the image below.

So at the beginning, we see the first level of the visitor, who is just arriving at your website. At the second level, we see that this guest is basically looking around, and in the third level, he or she is currently booking your hotel. But the most important thing to look at is the fourth level, the evaluation level. This is where you start to earn the most money. And you have to work really hard to get there.

Everything starts with the assumption level. The visitor doesn’t know your hotel or anything else. This is the information that will help me to create the impression. It is the info that will help me to create an impression about your hotel.

For example, if I am an international guest, then I will search for hotels and I will look for the same hotel as what my friend is looking at. If I am looking for the location and the price, I will see the properties that are close to my city. But that will be one impression, one strong impression.

The interesting thing is how people start on the level one. We have one of the hotel developers that is a leader in the industry. He has Google Rank number One. He is ranked number one for: English speaking hotels, the highest of places for booking hotels, as well as for the best revenue management technology, and the biggest technology that helps people to run the hotel business, and most of all, the best hospitality solutions. He gets really strong search engine optimisation (SEO) on his website. He knows that an article with 100,000 Google visitors and with a good position, will cost something. The developer of the hotel is putting this effort to get a high rating on Google, which will increase the trust in his name.

So he starts a lot with this “You search for hotels near me.” The level one visitor will read a paragraph, and see something like this:

So he will see this paragraph and immediately go to the next level, so he starts with an assumption that you will have the same experiences as his, to search for the same hotels as him.

He will notice something that other users may not have noticed, because he is looking for this category in detail for the best search engine optimizing (short SEO) for small hotels and Bed ‘n’ Breakfasts and hostels.

So it’s a big difference. You don’t have to look for the cheapest hotels in Australia. If you search for small hotels in Melbourne, then the only thing that you will see is a bunch of hotels that have won a lot of awards, and lots of good reviews. It’s a very straight line to get to the end of the graph.

A small small hotel that has gone to a very successful traveler site has also created an impression. At the assumption level, it is a start.

The other interesting thing is how some of the top hoteliers go to this level, and they make the assumption that all users that are coming to their website, are people who want to book a hotel room. They have their assumption based on the first impression, and they try to give them what they are looking for. This is their level two. They will look for the best technology to make sure that there will be a great experience.

This is something that I think a lot of property owners don’t do. They believe that their website is amazing, and you reached the footer.